Preparing for 2024 summer Project
Project Details
PFWCK calling you to join hands on Quenching the Thirst of our Gandhadagudi Wildlife.
Providing Water to Wildlife
Drought isn’t just tough on people—it can be stressful for many animals, too. You can help wildlife survive a drought by providing water in forests landscape. Even a small amount of water can help animals out a great deal.
Join PFWCK on Wildlife watering project . We need your help immediately. We are Helping wildlife during heatwaves and we need your support.During a heat wave, the appearance of nocturnal animals in the daytime, birds sitting on the ground, or mammals lying still are all potential signs of dehydration and heat distress. Extreme summers will continue to challenge humans and animals more and more as the climate changes. While animals do their best to survive, it falls to humans to learn how to adapt to climate change. Besides finding ways to keep ourselves cool, we owe it to wildlife to do the same for them.
Contact PFWCK’ Project lead Mr.Datta Safar to support this project.