In asscoation With Department of Forest Govt. of Karnataka

PFWCK: Preserving Our Past. Protecting Our Future.

Our Karnataka State Forest Heritage Is At Stake.

Help PFWCk Save Treasures Of Wildlife Karnataka

PFWCK, one of Karnataka’s. largest and most trusted organizations, works across the the globe to unite Kannadigas from all walks of life in giving wildlife a voice.We’ve been on the front line for wildlife since 1985, fighting for the conservation values that are woven into the fabric of our state’s collective heritage.

To do that we must respond to the critical threats facing wildlife and wild places. Our goal is to prevent the causes, mitigate the impacts, and help wildlife adapt to our rapidly changing state. Because it has never been truer: when we save wildlife, we save ourselves.

Wildlife need safe pathways to necessary food, water, shelter, and breeding grounds.

Conducted a health checkup for 300 tribal members in the remotest region in …. Karnataka, India is such a noble initiative that PFWCK has been able to do. Leadership of PFWCK felt that it’s crucial to ensure that every tribal community has access to healthcare, no matter where they live.

Overviwe of PFWCK Health Camp

  1. Project Overview:
    • Conducted a comprehensive health checkup for 300 tribal members in the remotest region in Karnataka, India.
    • Focused on providing essential medical services and identifying any existing health conditions.
    • Aimed to improve the overall well-being and healthcare access for the tribal community.
  1. Project Objectives:
    • Assessed the health status of tribal members through physical examinations, medical tests, and screenings.
    • Identified and address any immediate medical needs or health concerns.
    • Provided necessary treatments, medications, and referrals for further medical assistance.
    • Educated the community about preventive healthcare practices and healthy lifestyle choices.
    • Established a long-term healthcare support system for the tribal community.
  1. Implementation Plan:
    • Collaborated with local healthcare professionals, NGOs, and government agencies to ensure smooth execution.
    • Set up temporary medical camps in the remotest areas where tribal members reside.
    • Arranged transportation facilities to bring the tribal members to the medical camps.
    • Created a team of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and lab technicians.
    • Conducted comprehensive health checkups, including physical examinations, blood tests, and screenings for common health conditions.
    • Provided immediate medical treatments, medications, and referrals as required.
    • Organized health education sessions to raise awareness about preventive healthcare practices.
  1. Budget:
    • Estimated the required funds for medical equipment, medications, transportation, and healthcare professionals’ fees.
    • Explored potential funding sources such as government grants, corporate sponsorships, and individual donations.
    • Created a detailed budget plan to ensure transparency and accountability.
  1. Impact and Sustainability:
    • Measured the impact of the health checkup by tracking improvements in the health status of tribal members.
    • Fostered long-term relationships with local healthcare providers to ensure ongoing healthcare support.
    • Collaborated with the tribal community to develop sustainable healthcare initiatives tailored to their specific needs.

Details of Health Camp


Tribal Community in Karnataka fails on the first premise of health – the absence of disease. The community  needs support to understand and imbibe the advanced tenets of wellbeing. As a part of our health camp, we brought together all stakeholders who have concern over improving their personal health. The Health Camp conducted by PFWCK is an initiative to integrate awareness of community health and insights obtained from the community through health surveys. Health is influenced by factors such as community attitudes, the community environment(physical, social, political, and economic), and history. Health is more than physical well-being, or the mere absence of disease, illness, or injury . It is a range of factors –economic, social, political, ecological, and physical –that add up to healthy, high-quality lives for individuals and communities

Factors Influencing the Health of Tribal Community

1) Physical Factors: In areas of MM Hills ,Mysore and Chamarajanagar & BR Hills , these factors include the influences of geography(next to the highway, extreme traffic pollution, under-construction high-rises and bridges etc nearby), the environment(proximity to Deonar dumping ground as well as the industrial sewages.

2) Social and Cultural Factors: Here, the population  is mostly illitrate and is a mix of various etinic community. Taboos of each society hold here. Family planning is un-negotiated with large sized families being the norm.

3) Community Organisation: PFWCK health camp is the first of its kind initiative to bring together the community to spread awareness and provide relevant diagnosis for the plaguing health problems of the community residents.

4) Individual Factors: There is a hierarchy in the way  houses are maintained in the buildings of tribal community . Some have 2-3 adjacent rooms clubbed as one house. Such families have gated the entrance to the entire wing of their joint rooms and seem to live in comparatively better affluence. However, personal sense of sanitation and hygiene is always debatable in this community.

Facilities provided at PFWCK Health Camp:

  1. General Consultation PFWCK partnered with local doctors for General Physicians, Gynaecologists, Gastroenterologist, and Oncologists and with Govt. Hospitals. From both partner organisations, 7 doctors were present for support with consultation of the 250 registered patients who attended the Health Camp for various ailments including Tuberculosis, Body Ache, Skin Allergies, Period related issues, Diabetes, UTI, Asthma, Thyroid.
  2. Dental Check-Up For support on dental check-up, we partnered with Doctors of Chamarajnagar district,which focuses on providing medical care to the vulnerable communities. The dentist examined teeth, gums and mouth to diagnose dental problems like cavities, exposed roots and teeth sensitivity. The Doctor alsos suggested teeth cleaning habits, and diet changes required to maintain healthy teeth and gums.
  3. Eye Check Up – Through Doctors for You we had support from Ophthalmologists and trained nurses who specialise in eye and vision care. They performed eye exams to detect eye-related conditions like glaucoma and prescribed medication and regular eye exercises to cure and prevent eye related conditions.
  1. Vaccination and De-worming – Vaccinations were provided to children to develop immunity against several diseases like polio, measles, mumps and rubella. Along with vaccinations, de worming tablets were also provided to children. Such tablets help children get rid of parasites such as roundworm and tapeworm.
  1. Healthy Food Kit: PFWCK partnered with donors to provide food kits to the patients. The kit comprised of Bananas, Buttermilk, Dates and Protein Powder and was provided to all patients who came for the health camp without any additional charges. The Food provided was rich in Vitamin B, Potassium,Magnesium and Fibre and was chosen basis deficiencies observed in people residing in the Govandi Community, where the Health Camp was held.
  1. Medicines: Myna collaborated with JAN AUSHADI UNIT to provide medicines for free or for nominal cost to all patients. During the health camp, the prescription provided by the doctors was taken to the medicine counter, where patients could collect their medicines for free. For future medicine requirements, all health camp patients could purchase medicines from JAN AUSHADI Unit, at a highly subsidised rate.

Impact: In Numbers

In order to ensure that our health camp serves the needs of the people, we conductedsurvey  with a sample size of 255 people spread across 5 regions in mysore and chamarajnagar districts . This was done with the motive of not only understanding their health problems but also their practices with regard to visiting doctors, the expenses they incur, medicines, and so on. The survey results highlighted common cold as being the most common health problem affecting 17% of the respondents. This was followed with Body Ache and Typhoid impacting over 16% and 15% of the respondents, respectively. Around 10% of the respondents complained of Diabetes and Blood

Pressure followed by less than 8% of the people telling us about other diseases and health related problems.

Pre-camp Survey:

On the day of the Health Camp, we lent our services to over 248 people. Out of these,194 people were women, while the rest were men.


In sync with the findings of our survey, at the registration desk we had maximum number of people, which was around 36% of the total, come in with the complaint of body ache, out of which 84% were women. This was followed by complaints of fever and cold by 13.3% and 12% of the people, respectively. The other check up for which most people had lined up was the Eye Check up. This was something that very few people had told us about during the survey, however, we had around 16% of the people come in for an eye check up. Stomach and Skin problems were another set of problems affecting a big number of people with a total of 10% and 8% of the people coming to get this checked, respectively. We had about 4% of the women tell us that they were here to visit the gynaecologist at the time of registration.


While we had asked the people about their complaints at the registration desk, there were a few alterations in the visits made to the respective doctor’s desks. We had maximum number of people, i.e., around 65.3% of the people visit the general physician, out of which 26% visited the doctor for stomach checkups. The latter number was slightly higher than the number of people who had complained of stomach problems at the desk. For the check up at the Gynaecologist, in contrast to the number of women who had reported the problem at the registration desk,approximately 11.2% of the women actually visited their desks for check ups.

A Big Thank You!

Our event could not have been complete without the support of the doctors and partner N G O ‘ s and Department of Forest, Govt. Of Karnataka who took out the time to volunteer for our Health Camp, and we’re so grateful for them!

Thank You! :  Dr. Chandrashekar. R, Dr. Khaji, Dr. K. R. Havanur, Dr. M. C. Prabhakar, Dr. Veeresh Hiremath